Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography

compiled by Stefan Blaschke


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I. N e w   E n t r i e s

1. Author Index

[Info] Ayoub, Cristiane N.A. »Agostinho Contra Tito Lívio: Pudor, estupro e suicídio feminino.« Dissertatio Volume Suplementar 10 (2020): 351-370.

[Info] Ayoub, Cristiane N.A. »Agostinho e a injustiça da lei e das formas jurídicas quanto ao estupro de mulheres.« Revista de Filosofia Aurora 37 (2025).

[Info] Bergner, Gwen. »Rape Culture and the Zombie Apocalypse: Richard Matheson's I Am LegendModern Fiction Studies 70 (2024): 609-632.

[Info] Blank, Juliane. »Gendered Violence and Structures of Power: Reclaiming the Victim Narrative in the Netfix Show Marvel’s Jessica Jones.« Spaces Between: Gender, Diversity, and Identity in Comics. Edited by Nina Eckhoff-Heindl et al. Wiesbaden 2020: 17-34.

[Info] Bonsall, Jane, et al., eds. Reconsidering Consent and Coercion: Power, Vulnerability, and Sexual Violence in Medieval Literature. Turnhout 2025.

[Info] Bourne, Paul A., et al. »Female Participation in Major Crimes in Jamaica from 2014 to 2024.« International Journal of Current Research in Education, Culture and Society 8 (2024): 31-58.

[Info] Bourne, Paul A., et al. »Understanding Gender Disparity in Victimology and Perpetrators of Major Crimes in Jamaica, 2014-2024.« Global Journal of Transformation in Law, Human Rights and Social Justice 8 (2024).

[Info] Brooks, Kinitra D. »The Importance of Neglected Intersections: Race and Gender in Contemporary Zombie Texts and Theories.« African American Review 47 (2014): 461-475.

[Info] Cabrera García, Elisa. »«La parte de los crímenes» en 2666: La visibilización del concepto «feminicidio» como política de la literatura.« Revista Letral 16 (2016): 28-39.

[Info] Cabrera García, Elisa. »Feminicidio y violencia sistémica en 2666 de Roberto Bolaño.« Cuadernos Fronterizos 14 (2018): 8-10.

[Info] Cage, E. Claire. The Science of Proof: Forensic Medicine in Modern France. Cambridge 2022.

[Info] Carney, Elizabeth D. »Women in War.« Brill's Companion to the Campaigns of Philip II and Alexander the Great. Edited by Edward M. Anson. Leiden 2024: 529-550.

[Info] Carrasco Luján, Carmen. »Cuerpos de mujeres como desechos del neoliberalismo: Los feminicidios en 2666 de Roberto Bolaño.« Trans No. 26 (2021).

[Info] Carrasco Luján, Carmen. »Which Women’s Murders Are “Grievable”? On the Media’s Frames and Feminicides in Roberto Bolaño’s 2666.« Violent Times, Rising Resistance: An Interdisciplinary Gender Perspective. Edited by Dominique Grisard. Zurich 2022: 39-49.

[Info] Crawford, Philip. »My Noose Around that Pretty’s Neck: Meditations on Matt Baker’s Good Girls.« Spaces Between: Gender, Diversity, and Identity in Comics. Edited by Nina Eckhoff-Heindl et al. Wiesbaden 2020: 47-61.

[Info] Eckhoff-Heindl, Nina, et al., eds. Spaces Between: Gender, Diversity, and Identity in Comics. Wiesbaden 2020.

[Info] Fernández-Viagas Escudero, Plácido. El adulterio y otras transgresiones sexuales en la Edad Media: Desde los primeros fueros castellanos y leoneses a las Partidas de Alfonso X el Sabio. Tesis Doctoral, Universidad de Sevilla, 2020.

[Info] Fernández-Viagas Escudero, Plácido. El adulterio y otras transgresiones sexuales en la Edad Media: Un estudio de la regulación castellano-leonesa de los siglos X al XIII. Sevilla 2024.

[Info] Gumanay, Jorisse C. »Degeneration of Society as an Apocalyptic Symptom: Gender-Driven Crime and Violence in Roberto Bolaño’s 2666Journal of Language and Literature 23 (2023): 1-12.

[Info] Hernández, Kaleb. »“From Sex Slaves to Slaves of Silence”: Silence of Former Korean Comfort Women from 1963-1979.« The Webster Review of International History 4 (2024).

[Info] Hernández Guzmán, Daniel. »Más allá de los feminicidios: Violencia y cuerpo femenino en “La parte de los crímenes” de Roberto Bolaño.« Cuadernos de Literatura 20 (2016): 621-635.

[Info] Holzer, Virginia, et al. »“Cuerpo de mujer, peligro de muerte”: Residuos humanos en 2666 de Roberto Bolaño y Chicas muertas de Selva Almada.« Moara No. 59 (2021): 186-202.

[Info] Karić, Verka. »Feminicidio en la novela 2666 de Roerto Bolaño.« Investigaciones interculturales de jóvenes hispanistas en Serbia: Actas de la Tercera conferencia nacional de hispanistas serbios, celebrada el 9 y el 10 de abril de 2022 en la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras (Universidad de Novi Sad). Edited by Bojana K. Petrović et al. Novi Sad 2024: 26-42.

[Info] Ko, Ñusta C., ed. New Ways of Solidarity with Korean Comfort Women: Comfort Women and What Remains. Singapore 2023.

[Info] Lee, Jung-Sil, et al., eds. Comfort Women: A Fight for Justice and Women's Rights in the United States. Carlsbad 2020.

[Info] León Torrez, Virginia. »Blood of the Dawn: Resistance Literature Against Forgetting.« Violent Times, Rising Resistance: An Interdisciplinary Gender Perspective. Edited by Dominique Grisard. Zurich 2022: 25-38.

[Info] López, Alfred J. »Scenes from the Global South: Women’s Bodies as Waste in Bolaño’s 2666Cambridge Journal of Postcolonial Literary Inquiry 6 (2020): 1-13.

[Info] Madhi, Fatma D., et al. »The Dialectic of Weightism and Docile Body in Roxane Gay's HungerJournal of Language Studies 8 (2024): 255-275.

[Info] Monti, Alessandro, et al. »Rape in the Islands: Patriarchal Rule and Violence in Mauritius before Independence.« Sujetos y discursos: Ideologías, acción social y propuestas críticas en la cultura y la educación contemporáneas. Edited by Teresa Fernández-Ulloa et al. Bakersfield 2024: 187-197.

[Info] Müller, Sabine. »War Crimes?.« Brill's Companion to the Campaigns of Philip II and Alexander the Great. Edited by Edward M. Anson. Leiden 2024: 551–575.

[Info] Muravyeva, Marianna. »Abduction of Women in Early Modern Russia.« Russian History 43 (2016): 338-372.

[Info] Nimni, Israt J., et al. »Breaking the Silence: A Quest for Self in Shashi Deshpande’s The Dark Holds No TerrorInternational Journal of English Literature and Social Sciences 9 (2024): 370-375.

[Info] Nwafor, Esther T., et al. »Analyis of Gender Stereotype in Hollywood Movie Industry: A Study of “Mulan” and “Woman King”.« Global Journal of Arts Humanity and Social Sciences 4 (2024): 357-366.

[Info] O’Neill, Kevin L. »The Unmaking of a Pedophilic Priest: Transnational Clerical Sexual Abuse in Guatemala.« Comparative Studies in Society and History 62 (2020): 745-769.

[Info] O’Neill, Kevin L. »Islands, Enclaves, and the Offshoring of Clerical Sexual Abuse.« Journal of the American Academy of Religion (2025).

[Info] O’Neill, Kevin L. Unforgivable: An Abusive Priest and the Church That Sent Him Abroad. Oakland 2025.

[Info] O'Toole, Laura L., et al., eds. Gender Violence: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Third Edition, New York 2020.

[Info] Oklopčić, Biljana. »Adapting the Adapted: The Black Rapist Myth in E.R. Burroughs’ Tarzan of the Apes and Its Films Adaptations.« Anafora 4 (2017): 313-331.

[Info] Oksman, Tahneer. »An Art of Loss.« Spaces Between: Gender, Diversity, and Identity in Comics. Edited by Nina Eckhoff-Heindl et al. Wiesbaden 2020: 187-200.

[Info] Ramírez, Susana F. »Violencia feminicida en 2666 de Roberto Bolaño.« Letras No. 135 (2021): 66-77.

[Info] Sarkar, Sanchali. »Wartime Rape: The Figures of the ‘Birangana’ and the ‘Comfort Woman’.« Marginal Narratives and the Question of Human Rights in Asian Pacific Literature. Edited by Sk Sagir Ali et al. Singapore 2024: 51-62.

[Info] Stanley, Amy, et al. »Scholarly and Public Responses to “Contracting for Sex in the Pacific War”: The Current State of the Problem, A Report by Concerned Scholars.« The Asia-Pacific Journal 21 (November 5, 2023).

[Info] Stetz, Margaret. »Girls and Military Sexual Slavery through a Feminist Intersectional Lens.« Comfort Women: A Fight for Justice and Women's Rights in the United States. Edited by Jung-Sil Lee et al. Carlsbad 2020: 111-124.

[Info] Stetz, Margaret. »Lessons Still Being Learned from the 'Comfort Women' of World War II.« Gender Violence: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Third Edition. Edited by Laura L. O'Toole. New York 2020: 212-222.

[Info] Stetz, Margaret. »New Genres, New Audiences: Retelling the Story of Japan's Military Sexual Slavery.« New Ways of Solidarity with Korean Comfort Women: Comfort Women and What Remains. Edited by Ñusta C. Ko. Singapore 2023: 113-131.

[Info] Stetz, Margaret. »Documenting War Crimes Onstage in Kyo Choi’s The Apology.« Humanities Bulletin 7 (2024): 158-166.

[Info] Yoshimi, Yoshiaki. »Editorial: Response to “Contracting for sex in the Pacific War” by J. Mark Ramseyer.« International Review of Law and Economics 76 (2023).

2. Speaker Index

[Info] Bergner, Gwen. »Rape Culture and the Zombie Apocalypse: Richard Matheson’s I Am Legend53rd Annual Convention of the Northeast Modern Language Association. Baltimore 2022.

[Info] Stetz, Margaret. »The 'Comfort Women' Issue: Ongoing Conflicts and Disputed Memories.« GENCAS Public Lecture Series. Swansea 2021.

II. R e v i s e d   E n t r i e s

1. Author Index

[Info] Stetz, Margaret D. »Reframing the Comfort Women Issue: New Representations of an Old War Crime.« Genocide and Mass Violence in Asia: An Introductory Reader. Edited by Frank Jacob. Berlin 2019: 61-77.

[Info] Stetz, Margaret D. »Teaching about the Comfort System of World War II: The Hidden Stories of Girls.« War and Sexual Violence: New Perspectives in a New Era. Edited by Sarah K. Danielsson. Paderborn 2019: 35-49.

[Info] Stetz, Margaret D. »Making Girl Victims Visible: A Survey of Representations That Have Circulated in the West.« The Transnational Redress Movement for the Victims of Japanese Military Sexual Slavery. Edited by Pyong G. Min et al. Berlin 2020: 215-229.

2. Speaker Index

[Info] Bello, Taiwo. »Paying the Price: Women and Violence in the Nigerian Civil War, 1967–70.« 138th Annual Meeting of the American Historical Association. New York 2025.

III. N e w   S u b d i r e c t o r i e s

1. Geographical Index

African History: Mauritian History

2. Topical Index

1. Prosecution: Legislation: Siete Partidas

2. Cases: Fictional Victims: Hannah, Nanisca, Jane Porter, Selena, Sita | Real Incidents: Femicides in Ciudad Juárez | Real Offenders: David Roney

3. Types: -

4. Offenders: -

5. Victims: -

6. Society: -

7. Research: -

8. Representations: Comics: Heute ist der letzte Tag vom Rest deines Lebens | Films: Greystoke: The Legend of Tarzan, Lord of the Apes, The Legend of Tarzan , Tarzan, Tarzan 3D, Tarzan of the Apes; Tarzan, the Ape Man; Tarzan the Ape Man, The Woman King | Literary Texts: Selva Almada, Edgar Rice Burroughs, Kyo Choi, Lindsey Collen, Richard Matheson